Yes, any timeline on the next update? I vaguely recall Philips said that they plan to have regular updates every couple of weeks? Or maybe I remember wrongly.
Anyway, hope to hear some news of the next update soon. Thanks.
I remember one of the mods saying the next update is scheduled to the end of June. Well here we are. Haven’t seen any feature list and there are so many missing features and bugs (actually the whole OS ) that it would be nice to have a little bitmore transparency once again.
Maybe (and maybe hopefully) they are changing the whole operating system and Philips / Screeneo is just building the momentum for the surprise (as any sensible company would do in front of the 10000 eagerly waiting customers [not]).
Hello folks, it’s temporarily gone a bit quiet because we are all working hard to close the R&D of 2020 products. We have some challenging deadlines to make up for the pandemic-related delays. We plan to resume regular SW updates from next week. A beta might be out Friday.
It’s completely understandable (once again) if your PPM development schedule can’t be held as planned, but PLEASE keep us constantly informed about the delays and progress. Let’s not go back to bad old days without transparency and communication from Philips / Screeneo. I think we backers have earned this.