When starting up the picomax after having used Netflix, it always reverts to no signal screen and the home button doesn’t work. Have to try over and over again until i can switch. I have a ps4 on the hdmi which is off.
I always receive a selection screen of source which is on android. Last time, I pressed the home button which showed me the menu briefly and back to no signal… can’t seem to get out of it… then after reboot, I pressed again the selected android source and went back to no signal, but the home button was accepted …
I get this but it doesn’t seem to matter which app I last used.
I have a powered off AV receiver on the HDMI.
I’ve found that if I leave it on the no signal screen for a minute then the home button seems to always work, but if I press home too soon after the no signal screen appears then it stops responding to anything other than a power off.
I wonder if the new firmware will make any difference?
That is exactly it, it doesn’t matter what source you used before. I am going to try to wait a minute to see if that works… otherwise, the workaround is to press ok when you see the source selection screen and you can press home immediately. Let us indeed hope a firmware update will resolve this.
For me, the temporary solution is to wait about at least 15 secs on the No Signal screen, then press Home button. If still no response, wait another 5 secs and press Home again.