I’m on the latest firmware released today. All videos I play on VLC or MX Player, stutter and freeze constantly. Netflix is fine. Transferred the videos to the internal storage and it still stutters and freezes non stop even on the in built ‘media player’. I’ve test X265 and X264 files, they both don’t play.
In MX Player pro I’ve tested HW and SW decoders neither seem to make a difference.
@neelsn007 also when you play them in Kodi?
Any of these vids upload able to somewhere we can download them and test for ourselves?
I managed to update to Mx Player Pro 1.20.7 (uninstalling and reinstalling) and is much better overall
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Better yet is to use Kodi. It plays everything flawlessly, and if that wasn’t enough, you can setup a permanent audio delay to suit your bluetooth speaker for all future playbacks.
Very occasionally I’ve come across some HEVC/x265 videos that would stutter on Kodi but not on VLC, where audio delay is also possible (it’s tricky though, you have to open your video, press Pause, select the Subtitles icon bottom left, then the 3 dots in the left tab of the popup, and there you’ll have your audio delay options).