I’ve noticed consistent poor video quality on netflix series, movies, or any “higher bitrate” video content.
For example I tried with the series YOU, or Witcher, and both showed the same issue.
If I watch Planet Earth docuseries, or Gopro’s (HD) youtube channel, video quality is fine.
Is this a known issue or am I the only one?
Thx in advance.
I think the thumbnails are not the right thing to asses picture quality. They are definitely pixelated in the app
But in terms of video quality, I agree. Netflix seems to still lack quality. I’m watching Netflix now on my firestick and it is really good compared when using the Netflix app on PPM. I really wish there’s something that can be done.
Have you tried playing a bit of time of Netflix continuously? Netflix on a new device starts from a very low bitrate and ramps up slowly in the first few minutes.
I cannot say this is the case, but on some platforms, if you change program before it has settled it starts from the beginning for each one.
Is there any solution in-progress for PPM Netflix App, at various place I see comments mentioning not to upgrade to latest version. So I didn’t update, but the default PPM version of Netflix is poor the quality of the picture is not up to the mark comparing with XBOX Netflix.
I haven’t found any issues, but Netflix does have better quality than Amazon Prime. The latest version of Amazon Prime TV is better but it’s still has a bit of judder in play back. The Prime App with download option is just rubbish in quality.
There will not be any chance for an up to date version of the Netflix app unless Netflix changes their whitelisting policies to include ALL projectors (including the PPX specifically). Period.
The version bundled with the projector’s firmware is the latest version that will run at the FullHD resolution of 1080 on the PPX. Period.
It also produces a good enough FullHD picture, which is what the PPX is capable of projecting at. You should try the Netflix series Test Patterns and see what resolution and bit rate you achieve (top right corner of the screen):
Thanks for pointing out these test patterns! I checked and noticed that I don’t reach the same quality as you - I get 720x480 with relatively good wifi. Also, at some point after a firmware update, I started to see a message: "–relies on Google Play Services, which is not supported by your device” althought I didn’t update Netflix.
Just on a side note but has Amazon Prime done anything like increasing there bandwidth! I’ve updated to the latest version for Prime TV and it’s so much better with streaming quality and smooth playback now. For me it’s now better than Netflix, where as a couple of weeks ago it was worse and very jumpy with screen scroll.
Hey @Philips_Support_P, I managed to solve this right now with the help of other users at our Telegram group. Turns out the reason was my extremely old Netflix subscription. I hadn’t checked the plan details for many years, and with the basic package one cannot get HD content. The funny thing is that I never found this information on this forum - could we mention this actually-quite-obvious check somewhere visibly so that people can check their plans first?