I think PPM is smaller than those but I agree that PPM is a bit expensive for what it is. If it was a polished product, it’s fine but with its current state and limitations, not really.
My Problem is on the .23 the screen door effect is really bad and I believe the .33 it’s not so apparent.
Anker have just copied the PPM and it’s close with Android TV built in but it’s slightly bigger with less brightness and it doesn’t have USB C power which to me is a let down.
Hey guys, stay tuned because we are going to release 2 more PicoPix within the next 2 months
Now we have released the PicoPix Micro 2 and Max One. By the way: No built-in battery on the Nebula one
color is really a pain when it comes to customers. Some want white, some black, some want colors. If we make a survey about our next gen product color. I’m sure we will get 60% black and 40% white
And what about bug with 4 corners on HDMI/USBC on our PicoPix Max ? You have a solution ? Because for me the one is better. I don’t need smart function. If you don’t have a solution for us, you are not fair, not smart. Thanks for your answer and solution.