Can we get a glimpse of what is on the software/firmware roadmap for the remainder of 2020?
Definitely would love to see as this place has been super quiet lately.
Yeah I’m really interested to know when the distortion issue with horizontal keystone correction will be fixed.
The lack of transparency here is concerning. If you don’t want to share the roadmap, can you at least say so?
I’d be lying if I didn’t say the lack of response here is concerning. That 2 year software update promise is looking a little thin at the moment with many features promised and few updates shared.
Hello everyone, we understand your concern, but we have good things in store.
As you probably noticed, we’ve been steadily releasing service updates. In a post-Covid world it’s proven quite challenging. Our EU and China teams, used to almost-monthly face to face meetings, have been working remotely this entire year.
However, we are working on several software improvements for not only the PicoPix Max, but also our upcoming range of products. Naturally, as PicoPix Max owners you will be the first to get access.
To be more concrete, some of the projects we’re working on are:
- a mini-app store for Philips-curated apps, letting us push app updates separately from system updates.
- the Philips Projection app with FAQ, troubleshooting guides, and: the ability to control many projector settings from your phone without having to interrupt the playback of your favourite content.
- sweeping updates to the home screen with better app management features.
We’re excited for these features to reach all of you. It’s still too early even for beta testing, but as soon as we’ve made enough progress, we’ll announce a fresh batch of betas. Thanks for your patience.
Could you inform me when you are going to check why SHAHID app is not working on PPM , you promised me that you find way to make it work
WIting for you feedback
Thanks for the update @Philips_Support_P, its good to get some info.
Are you still working on Sonos integration and Philips Hue?
Linearity distortion with 4 corners. @Philips_Support_P mentioned an engineer was assigned to work on fix. Is the fix in the next update?
@Philips_Support_P while it is good to have these bells and whistles long term I would like to know what and when you have planned to fix the big problems many users are having such as problematic/inconsistent autofocus, bad colors and keystone distortion.
Is connecting to two bluetooth audio devices simultaneously on the roadmap?
When will we see Sonos support?
guys i recommend you all to just get an Apple tv (or some other box) and hook it up to the projector, the OS is completely trash and the projector’s cpu is struggling even in menus… also if you click 5 times on OK button of the remote in settings - about - sw version you can open the default Android settings which actually runs decent and observe how the OS is full of junk and chienese apps. not to speak of horrible grammar around the OS
let the projector only project the image and get a real streaming box for it
I would if 4 corner correction worked on HDMI. I can’t put my projector in center, and 4 corner correction was the only reason I wanted Picopix for.
Stop me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that it is the basic OS which is thus “corrupted”.
Philips’ choice to focus on a version of Android suitable for projector use is their responsibility
So the idea to relieve the hardware would be to simply (if possible) list and remove all unnecessary apps and services by hand?
Or even better, a jailbroken version of the OS, devoid of all these unnecessary services and which could embed a completely redesigned and much lighter interface. We can always optimize the use of resources with quality work
Coming back to the main topic of the conversation, on my side I’m still waiting:
- the publication of the tool for color calibration, tested by passionhomecinema and available for beta testers only.
- the possibility of customizing the user interface or at least that of being able to choose a personalized wallpaper
As Sharaiz put it, it is nice to have these bells and whistles. But please don’t forget the basics that still aren’t in place. External input is still badly sharpened, and gamma is still low. This is basic image quality, affecting everything anybody does with the machine. Please unsharpen the external input and give us a basic gamma option. If it were to stay as it is, image quality would be unacceptable to me.
Just because an app or service is Chinese or unknown to you doesn’t make it junk. If they did not need it they would probably not have it running on the system, they would want to squeeze every ounce of performance they can out of the system.
- i didn’t said chienese apps = junk tho regarding picopix software this is true.
- they “need” the bloatware? maybe in their beta builds not on production.
here is what i (we?) need in a production build:
- working 4 corners screen correction
- faster boot times and force a default output
- a option to enable 24h clock (how is this non existing?) without digging into the native and hidden Android settings
- wifi to actually stay connected after reboot and reconnect if needed
- a decent experience in the launcher; no lag when just navigating will be at the very least tbh.
- a way to rearrange, order and remove bloatware (like the default media player)
- being able to refocus the projector while on hdmi output
- more than 5 wallpapers (incl. custom ones)
- proper english grammar in the UI
- constant updates containing these changes not apk updates
- proper battery reading; my picopix is at 94% since i bought it (24/7 plugged in ever since, using the cables and the power brick provided in the box)
- google services
there you go, this is what’s “needed”. please forward this to Philips/Chinese devs
EDIT: open source the OS and i’ll be the first to pull request optimizations and QoL improvements